
Wednesday, February 19th - Channel 10
12:00 am
1st and 3rd Wednesday at 12am, Thursday at 9:30pm, and Sunday at 5pm
DescriptionSmart Credit for Young Adults is an outreach program created to educate young adults between the ages of 18-25 on the importance of credit literacy. In order to nurture the credit seed for tomorrow's young adults.
12:30 am
Every Wednesday at 1230am, Thursday at 8pm, and Sunday at 830am
DescriptionTune in every week for financial and investment news from around the globe.
1:00 am
Every Monday at 11:30pm, Wednesday at 1am, and Saturday at 11:30pm
DescriptionWhat's on TV is a late night interview and comedy show geared towards adults.
1:30 am
Every Wednesday at 1:30am, Thursday at 10am, and Friday at 7:30pm
DescriptionSmall Business 21st Century is a weekly show meant to inform, educate, and demonstrate basic financial skills in the ever changing economic climate.
2:00 am
3:00 am
3rd Wednesday at 3am, 3rd Friday at 8pm, and 3rd Sunday at 7:30pm
DescriptionThis program features footage from an Evermore Paranormal Road Trip experience.
3:30 am
4:00 am
3rd Tuesday at 1030pm, Wednesday at 4am, and Friday at 1030pm
DescriptionTune in to your host John Savers for the lastest movie reviews.
5:00 am
Every Monday at 1pm, Wednesday at 5am, and Saturday at 6pm
DescriptionJoin Kathryn Raaker as she welcomes you into her world! Every week there is a new show featuring new technologies, health and fitness tips, talks with book authors, and sports and recreation topics.
5:30 am
6:30 am
7:00 am
7:30 am
3rd Wednesday at 7:30am, Thursday at 6pm, and Sunday at 4pm
DescriptionAmerican Valor examines the lives of military veterans before, during, and after military service.
8:00 am
12:00 pm
2:00 pm
3:00 pm
4:00 pm
5:00 pm
Thursdays at 930pm, Sundays at 12am, Sundays at 4pm on Channel 36 - Wednesdays at 5pm on Channel 10
DescriptionLift High the Cross is a spiritual program meant to enlighten Catholic families and more, while presenting the teachings and practices of the Catholic church.
5:30 pm
6:00 pm
3rd Tuesday at 12am, 3rd Wednesday at 6pm, 3rd Saturday at 10:30am
DescriptionA studio audience of teens and parents debate different teen topics to help them communicate better.
7:00 pm
Every Wednesday 7pm, Thursday at 4:30am, and Sunday at 2pm
DescriptionYour Need to Know provides interesting and important information about various topics concerning life in Fairfax County. It strives to always answer the question, "Why we need to know this?".
7:30 pm
Every Monday at 7:30am, Wednesday at 7:30pm, and Sunday at 8:30pm
DescriptionGood Works examines Dominion Energy’s pathway to Net Zero emissions including the rapid expansion of solar, offshore wind power as well as building electric vehicle infrastructure and a look at how Virginia's largest regulated utility supports it's communities and the environment.
8:00 pm
8:30 pm
Wednesday at 8:30pm, Fridays at 6:30am, and Sundays at 3:30pm
DescriptionCommunicating Today with the ARTS is a monthly program that showcases artists of various backgrounds and genres.
9:00 pm
Every Monday at 7pm, Every Saturday at 7pm, Every Sunday at 7:30am on Channel 36 - Every Wednesday at 9pm on Channel 10
DescriptionLearn lessons from the bible every week on this Christian based program.
9:30 pm
Every Wednesday at 9:30pm, Saturday at 12am, and Sunday at 4:30pm
DescriptionThis program provides an overview of the process to and pitfall of qualifying and administering an estate in NOVA.
10:00 pm
Every Wednesday at 10pm, Saturday at 6am, and Sunday at 9:30am
DescriptionThe Rhythm N Justice Show with Salim Adofo is a community affairs program that highlights the contributions of African-Americans in the DMV area.
10:30 pm
Every Monday at 6:30am, Wednesday at 10:30pm, and Saturday at 7:30pm
DescriptionThis show highlights Latin Dance culture in and around Northern Virginia and DC. The desire is to use the art of dance to expose Northern VA and DC to the diversity of Latin Dance. It unites various nationalities and ages who all enjoy the rhythm of the dance.
11:00 pm
Every Monday at 6am, Tuesday at 5pm. and Wednesday at 11pm
DescriptionThis program features yoga demonstrated by Cynthia and other guests. Each show targets a specific interest, such as "Yoga to Improve Your Golf Swing," "Yoga For Athletes," Children's Yoga, Gentle Yoga" & more.
11:30 pm
Every Monday at 1am, Wednesday at 11:30pm, and Saturday at 11pm
DescriptionPosse TV provides artists an opportunity to showcase their talents and gives the viewers unique and hopeful entertaninment.