Radio Guild

Information regarding the Radio Producers Guild can be found here.

As a certified and active radio producer, you become a member of the Radio Guild. The group meets 4 times per year. The purpose is to create and foster communication between fellow Deejays, make plans for promotions, voice concerns, discuss equipment & procedures, and share ideas. The Radio Program Director and other staff attend for discussion. All active radio producers are asked to attend; meetings are usually kept to 1 hour and held at FPA.

  2024 Officers

  • Justice Percell, President
  • Glenn Havinoviski VP/Secretary

  2024 Meeting Schedule

  • 2024 TBD - Determined by President and VP/Secretary each quarter.
  • Next Meeting Tuesday, June 4, 2024 at 6:30pm

A reminder to members: Meeting attendance may be a requirement for you to retain your time slot. See the programming office if you have questions.

Download the Radio Guild Charter here.